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A photograph of Jordan
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creator. developer.

Hello there! I’m Jordan, and I am an aspiring Full Stack Developer and Web Designer. My recent full stack experience has given me a sound understanding of the complete development process, from creating back-end APIs to making visually pleasing screens. Building several different applications from the ground up, using a variety of languages, libraries, and frameworks, has founded my confidence to understand new programs, processes, and team collaboration with ease. This, paired with a knack for creative solutions, has prepared me to take the next step as a developer, looking for a brand-new, professional experience in tech where I can partake in collaborative and attractive development and design projects.

Previously a Communications Coordinator for clients as near as down the street to as far away as Kenya, I recognize that every client has a special identity. My philosophy has always been to understand this well and to deliver products that match their individual and cultural uniqueness.

After many years in an administrative and communications position, I needed something more challenging to my professional potential and to quench my drive to… create. I began dabbling in code out of curiosity, which then turned into a love for building applications and websites!

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What do I do when I’m not coding? I’m glad you’ve stuck around to the last paragraph to find out! I am quick to jump on thrilling activities when I am not in development mode. I am eager explore my full capabilities, constantly pushing myself on climbing routes, ski slopes, and anything that has two wheels. Can quickly solving a Rubik’s Cube count as a thrilling activity? I’ll go ahead and include that.

... and what I know

[ languages and data markup standards ]

[ dev skills ]

[ design skills ]

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myFlix Angular App
Image of myFlix project

Angular app that represents the frontend of the restful Movie API.

Live Project Code
Movie API
Image of myFlix project

A REST API that provides data used by the front-end React and Angular myFlix applications

myFlix React App
Image of myFlix project

Client-side single page application built with React

Live Project Code
Meet App
Image of Meet project

A serverless, progressive web application (PWA) built with React

Live Project Code
Chat App
Image of Chat App project

Cross platform native app created with React Native and the Expo framework

Image of Meet project

A simple JS app that uses basic HTML, CSS and JavaScript to render data from an existing API

Live Project Code
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